Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Someday we'll look back and laugh... haha no thank you!


Well the day started at 5:30 just as usual but this morning Spencer was off to the airport, heading to Mexico City to work on "temple stuff"

I worked out...YEAH! I have THE hardest time getting out of bed so it kind of a huge deal! I have been running on the treadmill and lifting weights, preping to win an arm wrestling contest with Spee ;) While I was getting ready for work I get a text from Spee saying he barely made his flight! They were actually paging him over the intercom, HA!

So... I am feeling good about the day because basically it's Friday, since school is closed for UEA Thurs-Mon. The morning was great UNTIL I am driving in the car pool lane nearing my exit and the red and blues come on! YES I was getting pulled over!  I could not understand I was only going 70mph (5 over)  WELL, come to find out my registration is 7 months past expired! I was informed that my car should be impounded, AH!  Apparently I was adorable (wink, wink) and he let me go without a ticket and WITH my car :) And NO I had no idea that my plates had expired.  I promised I would take care of it TODAY!

To add to the day during the middle of my class I stepped out and noticed a text on my phone from Spee "Baby. Don't kill me, but I need you to call Continental and see if the have found a wedding ring in one of those gray security bins.!! :)"  Little did he know I was not going to Freak out.  So I emailed lost and found and they have not seen it, grrrrr.  I feel more angry with them!  and honestly relived that it was not MY ring ;)

So back to the car...

I dropped my car off at Jiffy Lube to have emissions, inspections, and an oil change.  A couple hours later I go to pick it up just to find out I FAILED emissions, are you kidding me!?!? I drive a 2005 car how do I fail!  Well turns out something is wrong with my sensors.  So now I will spend all day tomorrow running my car around to get everything fixed, in hopes that I do not get pulled over again.

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