Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tag #2 from Becca

Okay Becca tagged me to name 7 Interesting Facts about myself. Which seems like it SHOULD be easy but c'mon I am racking my brain!

1.  I get addicted to foods, well that was easy since I just got done writing an article about it in the last tag, uh! so THAT would be easy to do 7 Ridiculous things about me...hmmm


2. I hate white socks! Well I guess I don't really HATE them I just do not prefer them.  In fact up until I bought some running socks this year I could simply say I own not ONE pair of white socks!  I have always worn goofy sock, Christmas, valentines, stripes, flowers..anything BUT white.

3. My favorite aisle in any store is the organizational stuff, yes there is just something about large plastic tins that just puts me on cloud nine! Even if I am not looking to buy anything I just love walking through, it's as good as meditating! :)

If I could color code everything and have a bin for each thing I would! Order is something that brings me PURE happiness!

4. It is gut wrenching for me to finish a meal without dessert!

5. I am constantly making lists of things I need to do, remember, tell someone, or goals.  With all that is going through my mind at every second of the day I can't not write it down, in fact there have been times that I have gone to grab a pen and paper to write something and by the time I got it 1 minute or less later,my mind has already processed so much I sometimes forget what I was going to write!!!!

6. I cannot for the life of me get letters in the mail! I am awful, I can get letters addressed and stamped, but ACTUALLY to the mailbox is the hard part...I don't understand this one!

7.  It does not matter if it is the middle of summer or middle of winter I always want to be curled up in a blanket!

Man now that I am going I can really think of quite a few quirks! SO for journaling purposes I am going to continue.

8. I hate missing putting Aiden down for nap or bedtime, I want to always be there to put him to sleep! I know it's REALLY weird but I just love hugging and kissing him, then tucking him in.  Now, yes I do survive when I don't get to do this but I really make sure I do everything in my power NEVER to miss nighttime (nap, not so bad) otherwise I get home and just want to wake him up to hug him, to smell him, to tell him I love him.  Okay I am truly a crazy mom, but I just love my baby!

9.  I read until my eyes feel like they are bleeding and then I want to read more!  I love reading!

10. I love the smell of cleaning supplies.  Now I guess most people like the smell of clean but I truly LOVE the smell of cleaning supplies! No I am not sitting here sniffing clorox ;)

11. I love music, I function best when there is music playing, no matter what I am doing (well, besides reading)

12. I am hand making all my Christmas cards this year!

13. I actually LIKE mowing the lawn (guess I inherited that from my mom)

14. The first thing I think about when I wake up is "what's for breakfast" and if I did not have to pee so bad it would be THE first thing I did every morning.  Strangely enough this is ALSO the very first thing Aiden does when he wakes up, he starts listing his breakfast menu! It is hilarious.

15. I work best when multi tasking, 50 thing at once, that's my motto!

16. I pick things up with my toes

Okay I might as well end now because I am sure there are plenty more.

I am tagging Kim Boyer, Kristy Becksted, Nancy Zundel & Tara Kolowich.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, that is just too wierd. We are so similar! I have so many of the same quirks as you. I don't mind white socks, though, and I don't think about breakfast right away. I was tagged by you and Nancy, and for now I can only post 7 interesting things about me once because I had to rack my brain to come up with those!