Thursday, October 11, 2007

That's what friends are for...


I feel very blessed to live just where I do and to be in my amazing neighborhood, I have some wonderful friends and have learned some valuable things just in the past few months. Here are just a few things I have found that complete the phrase, "that's what friends are for..."

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2 To talk you into things you really wouldn't do alone like driving in California by myself, flying by myself, running 13.1 freaking miles, sitting in the FRONT for Splash mountain (and I believe the words from Natalie's mouth were, first of all "you won't get soaked unless you are huge man" and then after I am exiting the ride soaked head to toe I recall these poetic words "first time to Disneyland, HaHa! SUCKER!")


MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To wake up before the sun TO RUN!

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To remind you that you are not the only one who does not have it ALL together!

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To make you laugh until it hurts

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To have inside jokes with and think they are the funniest on the planet! (Swack, Swoobs, Swetta, Walt Dineyland etc etc...)

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To teach you that it IS ok to start a load of laundry BEFORE it is a large load "That's why they make the small load function" was the obvious advice of Becca :) She also taught me that on it talks about throwing the laundry in the washer when you wake up and then into the dryer before you leave for the day, then it's ready to be folded when you get home. Genius!

-I am doing really well with this, laundry has not been overwhelming!

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To also teach you that it is ok to start the dishwasher before it is full (not to mention there is a sink full of dishes waiting for you to unload the clean ones from the washer when they are done) Natalie told me that she starts her dishwasher every night and empty's it every morning, no matter how many dishes there are.

- I freaking love you Natalie! this is phenomenal!

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To practice poses for pictures

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To cram into cars just to get free parking NO matter how bad we smell!

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To carry your stuff, plan you route, make executive decisions and be Disney mom (Yes, we all know who this is...Natalie ;) )

MissMint_TwinkleToes_doodleshape2To inspire, brighten and bring something to your life that nothing and no one can replace

        That's what friends are for!


Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with all of you for committing to run that marathon and taking some time out to hang out as friends. I love the pics! Hope you don't mind, I added you to my friends list on my blog.

troy & bec said...

how cute are you? I feel so blessed to have YOU as my friend too! Love you! Becca

Melissa said...

I just caught your blog from Becca's! Reading this totally made me laugh...that was a fun trip!